Saturday, March 20, 2010

Sampling a Blog

Hello, my name is Michelle, welcome to a blog about books.

That sentence was an experiment. If this paragraph shows up on what calls my blog, we will know that--even at this early morning hour--I am not dreaming this up. The foreign-ness of strangers reading my thoughts makes me feel like skipping breakfast... But assuming you are reading, let's hope for the best--that you are either an acquaintance of mine or a very good sort of stranger (the bad sort can move on, thanks). The truth is, I DO want you to read this! But I also feel I am "ill qualified to recommend myself" and my book tastes, especially to strangers. So let's get a couple things straight:

I am not a professional blog-writer, see someone else.

I am not a professional critic of books, and sometimes our personal opinions are going to be different. And--most of the time--I don't think my opinion is superior to yours.

I'm not even the master reader in my family, that is my sister Jody; hopefully she'll help me out here and there with some book suggestions and advice.

I am just a regular person that enjoys reading books. I treasure books like I treasure people, and maybe you feel the same way. Hopefully you are the sort of person that thinks a good party is perfect with a good book with you (just in case). Or do you enjoy walking and reading? While sometimes people think we are interrupting their lives by reading a book in front of them, I think that sometimes you should refuse allow a book to be interrupted by person because it's rude to the book.

After meeting a new person or book, I like to develop theories about them. If you ask me my opinion about either, I'll share it with you--within the boundaries of the theories I have about you of course. Also, if you ask for a literary recommendation, I'll give you one that my theories and I think you will enjoy. That's one reason that blogging about my book opinions is so exciting to me; hopefully it will help you find the book I would recommend you if you asked, before you ask.

Whether you know it or not, you and I have been looking for a good book our whole lives. Well, from now on whenever I find a good book--and there are plenty to be found--I will post my thoughts and theories for your consideration.

Penultimately and PLEASE: make a recommendation yourself! If you have a good book, I would be incredibly interested.

It has occurred to me that as of yet, I'm writing to thin air. If no one but Jody and Tracy (my little sister) and Erin (my cousin sister) read this blog, it will serve it's purpose. (PLUS I could always use it as a fancy help for my memory ten years down the road). If you are interested, then I should tell you that I tend to read only a book a week, but now that we're better acquainted, I'm unequivocally inviting you to take a look at what I've lived this week.
